To form citizen who will be a good charactered, strong defenders of our freedom, patriotic, self dependant, talented, well mannered hale and highly, cultured and ready to serve our nation.To provide an outstanding Education to all the students in English medium so that they will be able to survive the changing world and communicate to the international market.
The Dnyanpeeth English School & Junior College aims to develop in each student an awareness of his or her intellectual, artistic and recreational potential and an understanding of his or her history. The school believes in the development of each student’s intellectual curiosity and is committed to academic excellence. To fulfill these aims, the objectives of the school are:
- Promote academic, social, physical and personal development in our students.
- Develop our students’ learning skills which will be of lifelong value.
- Encourage positive risk taking in our students.
- Develop creative skills and critical awareness in our students.
- Encourage our students to become aware of and act upon their responsibilities, not only to themselves and their peers, but also to society in general.
- Foster within our students a healthy sense of self-esteem and self-awareness and encourage respect and compassion for others.
- Actively promote the preservation and protection of the natural world amongst all students.
- Create programs, assessments and experiences that serve to unite the school and celebrate the distinctiveness of each campus community.
The Dnyanpeeth English School & Junior College will be a leader in the provision of a first-class, values-driven English medium education, based on the best Curriculum. We will have a reputation for excellence, with an emphasis on outstanding teaching, academic achievement, service to others, teamwork and leadership.